On dating Mike Godson ‘Mike is a Friend, and we work together often. That’s just all. Just friends. one article came out and everyone just feasted on that article, nothing more. I love my job and I don’t have a problem dating an Actor. I can even date a banker.”
Ini Edo Finally Opens Up On Why Her Marriage Crashed
I was able to transcribe a few things she said…see highlights from what she said below: “I got married early because I wanted a family. I think my Marriage was an experience which I don’t regret. He was the last child, so his family members kinda interfered in the marriage, which is naturally normal. He was okay with the kind of work I did and he kinda interfered as a good Husband. We couldn’t find common grounds and agree on certain things so we fell out. My husband and I were far apart from each other, maybe being together would have helped. My marriage fell out because of Differences. For now i just wanna fix my life, no marriage in the picture.” - See more at: http://www.vibenigeria.com/ini-edo-finally-opens-up-on-why-her-marriage-crashed/#sthash.JQEn06oI.dpuf

- See more at: http://www.vibenigeria.com/ini-edo-finally-opens-up-on-why-her-marriage-crashed/#sthash.JQEn06oI.dpuf
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