Dear Bunmi,
Less than six months after dad died, our mum started seeing someone else. I knew their marriage hadn’t been great, but it saddened me that she could move on so quickly. She went to a party with her friend and when I waited till midnight and she had’t returned, 1 went to bed.
In the morning, I took her breakfast. I opened the bedroom door then I noticed there was someone on Dad’s side of the bed. He grunted and rolled over when he saw me. I was in shock. “What the hell is going on here?” I yelled then ran out of the room. Sadly, he was the first of many men. Most weekends, Mum would go out and bring someone back. Her actions are out of order. Do you think she’s in her right mind?
Adesuwa, by e-mail.
Dear Adesuwa,
You need to let your mother know how you feel about her springing all these men on
you recently after losing a dad you obviously love. Hopefully, she’ll listen to you and take your feelings into consideration. Your mum was obviously grieving for a man she’d been involved with for years – no matter how rocky their marriage was. Having multiple partners could be her way of coping – but you’re being hurt in the process.
If she continues having all these men around even after you’ve talked with her,
don’t waste any more time fretting over your choices. Put your time and energy to better
use by seeking help for your own grief and confusion.
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