How Gov T.A. Orji saw red in Aba

More facts have emerged on how Abia State Gover­nor, Theodore Orji was disgraced and booed in the commercial city of Aba during the burial of the pioneer Catholic Bishop of the Aba Dio­cese, Most Rev Vincent Valentine Ezeonyia last Friday.
■An eye witness account 
■Orji Kalu’s phone number cloned for fake apology
Incensed by the utter ne­glect of the city by the gov­ernor since he took over the reins of power in the state in 2007, the citizens who numbered in their thousands literally poured their pent up frustrations and venom on him. But for the security cordon thrown around him, Abia State and indeed Ni­geria would have witnessed an unprecedented ugly spec­tacle. Part of the grouses of the mob that surged towards him immediately he entered the cathedral of the Christ the King Church, where the holy high mass for the burial of the Bishop was being held, was his effrontery in coming to the city after neglecting it since he assumed power in 2007, and for his legendary woeful performance in office.
Not even pleas and entreat­ies from the clergymen could pacify the enraged crowd.
Amidst the confusion and cacophony of noises there, were clear chants of disen­chantments and derision.
Some of the chants, which soared above all others were: ‘Betrayer’, ‘Judas Iscariot.’ ‘Despite all that Orji Kalu did for you, you betrayed him and ended with very poor performance in office for eight years’, ‘Go back home’, ‘We don’t need you here’.
Efforts by officials of the church to manage the situation by appealing for restraint, and deploying re­ligious sentiments for effect largely failed, as such entreat­ies angered the people the more and temporarily held up the event for tempers to calm down.
Government officials who tried to put up a bold face to ride the storm by attempting to set up the state box for the governor to make his speech met a stiff resistance from the hostile crowd as they hur­riedly retreated with the box.
Taking a cue from the pre­vailing situation, and afraid that the ceremony could be disrupted on account of the disdain for Governor Orji, the officials refrained from men­tioning his name again. But this antic did not sufficiently assuage the people.
Deafening murmurs and noises could be heard in the congregation, suggesting a seething trouble. And it did not take long for it to ex­plode. The stout opposition to stop Orji from speaking at the event was just a rehearsal.
His real ordeal began shortly after as the late Bish­op was interred, and he made his way to his car to leave. The huge crowd of worship­pers surged towards the gov­ernor, booing him uncontrol­lably and calling him derisive names, including: ‘bad man’, ‘betrayer’, ‘non-performer’, ‘wicked man’.
The Abia governor was shielded by security men who shoved him into the car. He was sandwiched by two security men in the car, as the convoy tried to make its way out. As the convoy, which was complete with an Armoured Personnel Car­rier, entered the main road to­wards Asa Road, the restive crowd followed, chanting in the proverbial manner of a lawbreaker who had been caught and was being taken to the king or shrine for judg­ment and punishment.
The huge crowd was joined by more people who trooped out from adjoining streets and bedlam took over. Orji was to be subjected to the biggest humiliation of his stay in office when they be­gan pelting him with water sachets.
Aba erupted in silted joy after the drama as many resi­dents thronged the streets to hail and congratulate one another for what they called their “patriotic and heroic acts”. Some of the people who spoke to Sunday Sun said they were happy and somehow relieved that the people told the governor in clear and unmistaken terms that they were tired of his lethargic and uninspiring per­formance in office.
They said, “After neglect­ing the city completely, he had the audacity to come here, thinking that his secu­rity and the Armoured Per­sonnel Carrier (APC) would save him. Orji Uzor Kalu’s legacies especially on road construction in the city have been rubbished. He aban­doned the city totally. We are waiting for April 11 to pay him back.”
Another angry resident be­rated him thus: “Some people have no shame. You betrayed your predecessor who did his best for you and for the state, and you also betrayed the people.”
The drama of sorts has been the subject of discussion in homes, markets, churches and relaxation centers.
Meanwhile, unscrupu­lous persons have cloned the telephone number of former Abia State governor, Dr Orji Uzor Kalu, using it to send fake apology to the state gov­ernor over the humiliation he suffered in the hands of the people of Aba during the burial of Most Rev Ezeanya.
Kalu, who has been in London in the last one week, spoke yesterday, denying the fake apology. The former governor said he had not spo­ken to T. A. Orji in the last five years. Sources said the cloning was possibly done by the governor and one of his infamous sons.
“I have not spoken with T A Orji in five years. He should face his troubles and carry his cross alone without involving me,” Kalu said.
The former governor wondered why he had to be linked with the humiliation of the governor in Aba, and why he had to offer an apology over what he knew nothing about. He further repudiated the fake text message now circulating in the state.
The purported text mes­sage of apology, which was sent from Orji Kalu’s cloned phone number reads thus: “I want to urge my numerous supporters and PDP members across Abia and Nigeria to discountenance any report in SUN insulting the Governor of Abia State. I have inves­tigated and can confirm that the management of SUN was misled by somebody who felt I was still aggrieved with TA Orji. While I will make sure that the culprits are penalized, I want to apologise to His Ex­cellency, Chief T.A. Orji.
Orji Uzor Kalu (MON).”
A text message from a group called OUK Youths on the incident, to the people of Abia reads: “OCHEN­DO should face his woes & leave OUK alone. Pls dis­regard the malicious SMS circulating that OUK apolo­gized to T.A. over his boo in Aba. Nke onye metere ya buru! (Whatever sin a man commits, he should face the consequences).
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My names are Dalamu Oluwatosin Abiodun, hailed from Ijebu North Local Government Ogun State, I acquire my First Degree in Computer Science/ Mathematics ( Computer Science) at Olabisi Onabanjo University Ago Iwoye Ogun state. I am a programmer. I like reading, writing and exploring.
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